Quarterly Market Review: Q4 2020
Recovery Alphabet Soup After saying a collective “good riddance” to 2020 and moving forward into 2021 with renewed optimism, it might be...

Quarterly Market Review: Q3 2020
The Fed Tosses Out a Lifeline In the third quarter of 2020, the market recovery continued unabated. Earlier this spring, the Federal...

Quarterly Market Review: Q2 2020
"Nifty-Fifty" and the "Giant 5" - What's in a Name? You may notice there is a disconnect between the world we’re living in – where...

Quarterly Market Review: Q1 2020
Time Marches On "There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen." ― Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Whether it...
SECURE Act: Headlines & Highlights
You have likely heard about the new SECURE Act. What is it, what is changing, and why is it important? The Setting Every Community Up for...